展覽:變形忍者排泄慾望互助會 Communty of Ninija transferred through ecreting desire+開幕表演opening performance+instant42 尾牙dinner party

An  exhibition about performance ,Performances for exhibition

丁禹仲 Ding Yu-chung,鄒逸真Tsou I chen,葉育君 Ye Yujun,Ulysses Castellanos(Ca)

開幕Opening with Performance:2014/1/26 Pm3:00 

展覽時間Exhibition:1/26-2/22 (星期四-日)

藝術家:丁禹仲,鄒逸真,葉育君,Ulysses Castellanos 三位台灣,一位加拿大,四位行為藝術家,四種迥然不同的個性,與創作。 希望在互助行為中,激盪出不同的火花! 一個四位行為藝術家的晚餐聚會後,游擊性的組成的互助會 四天,四個主題,四件作品。 在通過變形、忍者、排泄、慾望的考驗。 挑戰行為藝術家的身體、意識的極致。

Four artists : Ding Yu-chung, Tsou I chen, Ye Yujun, Ulysses Castellanos Three Taiwanese, one Canadian, altogether four performance artists, four kinds of personality and four different forms of art work. One dinner party with four performance artists, which is also a guerrilla community. Four days, four subjects, four pieces. Through the tests of transfer, ninja, excrete, desire...challenging the limitation of artists' body conditions, as well as their conscious conditions. Artists help each other by participating other artist's performance, with this collaboration, we'll see unexpectable spark.


多半的行為藝術家,採取有別於一般傳統與觀眾交流的形式,在特定的某種時間或地點,運用當下身體的行為與觀眾產生共存關係。因為這種in site、site –specific的性格,所以當「行為藝術」在行為離開發生的時間、空間後,留下的文件、錄像、攝影記錄裡,就已離開了當下的時間與空間。因此在重新面對觀眾時,制式空間氛圍的情境再現展出中,可能性與忠實度又剩下多少?因為這樣的特質,也凸顯了「行為藝術」與可進入藝術市場的其他藝術形式的區別。這或許是與資本主義的抗衡的最後一線?是藝術形式中的某種弱勢力量?或是在藝術與生活中,因此而具有了對抗社會不平現象的某種自由、獨特與崇高性?
(取自於 發表於“2013屹立於城 香港–台北雙城行為藝術交流”文章/文:葉育君)


我們僅只是提問,藝術家並不提供解答。但是可想像的是,無論是這次運用游擊式的行動以及“忍者”符號的Ulysses Castellanos,或是利用藝術家自身塑形可能性的“變形”的鄒逸真,或是自體回饋,“排泄”反芻的丁禹仲,或是以在慾望投射下,將自身變成“慾望”投射物的葉育君。每位藝術家,在極短的時間內,提出關於自身關切的key words。而藝術家互助行為,藉由共同參與、創作,將A+B大於C的可能性變大。同時間,也將主體變成客體,從客體變為主體。
這樣一個工作坊式的創作,在Flash Mob,或是游擊式女孩(Guerilla Girls )後,我們不能說是完全的前衛主義。 但,是一個在苦悶的島國生活去中心/實驗的創作可能性。

Artists 藝術家:

〖Ulysses Castellanos〗

Multidisciplinary Artist and Independent Curator.

Born to a long line of artists, musicians, writers and intellectuals (he is the grandson of celebrated concert pianist Angelita Garcia Peña and Colonel Arturo Castellanos Contreras, who was honored in 2011 as one of the “Righteous Among The Nations” by Yad Vashem for his humanitarian efforts during WWII) Ulysses Castellanos developed an interest in art, music and literature at an early age. This interest led to extensive studies in film and music history, musical composition, visual arts and acting, manifesting itself in the multiple disciplines that Ulysses pursues (music, acting, critical writing, painting, filmmaking, video) and that he combines into elaborate installations, two-dimensional works, sculptures, videos and performances.

 In 2008, Ulysses completed the Telus Interactive Art and Entertainment Program at the Canadian Film Centre, where he worked with physical computing and interactive technology to create USB – powered interactive sculptures.  He is a member of the IKT International Curator’s Association, Luxembourg, as well as The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN). His work is shown extensively in galleries and screenings throughout North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. In 2012 he completed Eco Hotel 2, a full-length mystery thriller set in the Colombian Jungle with a cast made entirely of resident artists from Residencia en La Tierra, Villavicencio. In 2014 Ulysses will complete production on his new film: The Hard Drive Was Missing, shot on location at Treasure Hill Artist’s Village in Taipei. Ulysses is represented by Georgia Scherman Projects, Toronto, and Galería Anomalía, Mexico City. 

〖鄒逸真 Tsou I chen〗

2008取得國立台灣藝術大學美術系暨輔系電影系學士學位。2010取得法國格諾柏勒高等美術學院學士學位,並於2012以特優評分取得該校造形藝術碩士文憑。作品以身體、行為觀念及錄像為主。錄像作品曾於2010獲得法國巴黎錄像藝術節第三名,為唯一獲獎亞州人。同年紀錄短片獲邀參與第三屆法國里昂福爾摩沙電影節播放,再於2012獲邀法國紀錄片月播放。2011起加入tamtamART藝術協會,共同規劃執行展覽,策劃經歷包括2011年度MPA-B空間聯合展「Lose Weight Exercise」、以及以德、奧、台籍女性藝術家組成的聯展「Shaping Soul」。現為tamtamART TAIPEI IPIX負責人。

Born in Taipei, Taiwan. In 2008 she obtained a bachelor's degree of fine arts, also of motion cinema from National Taiwan University of Arts. In 2010 she obtained another bachelor’s degree of fine arts from ÉSAD   ( L'École Supérieure d’Art et Design Grenoble-Valence, France). Later in 2012, she obtained a master’s degree with premium grades from ÉSAD. Ichen’s works focus on body art, conceptual act art, video art. One of her video works won third prize in the Festival of video art in Paris, France, 2010, she is the only Asian of all award winners. In the same year, her short film was selected by 3th Festival Formosa film, Lyon, France, and later in 2012 the film was invited to play in Documentary Month, France. Since 2011, She joins tamtamART art association as curator. Her curatorial experiences including "Lose Weight Exercise", a joint exhibition in MPA-B 2011 annual program. As well as "Shaping Soul", a group exhibition of Germany, Austria, Taiwanese female artists.


〖葉育君 YUJUN YE〗

自2001年起,留學於法國,取得國家高等造型藝術文憑,及索邦大學藝術與數位媒體雙碩士。作品的形式以行為藝術、錄像裝置、聲音表演為主。關注於身體的私人、公共空間與公共關係。於法國留學期間,參與國際藝術團體 Réseau Artskool,並與法國知名編舞家Danie l Dobbels習舞。常與其他領域的藝術家做跨界的合作。作品多次發表於巴黎及柏林。自2009年,回台灣後,專注於在公共空間的行為表演,以及以“藝術 版圖擴張“為計畫目標,希望在藝術的疆界中,藉由觀念、行式的突破,為當代藝術帶來新的可能性。近年來重要的作品有:「行動中的城市」(2009-), 「寶藏皇宮青年旅社」(2010),「藝術行為與記錄交換計畫」(2010,2011),「Nipaf日本國際行為藝術節」(2011)「一個游擊性的表演One Night Band 」(2011-2012)。曾與參與國際藝術團體 Réseau Artskool於法國Main d’oeuvre藝術中心進駐(2007),以及寶藏巖國際藝術村駐村(2010)。目前,在台灣新北市蘆洲區,成立一個新的藝術空間:「instant 42」,將空間塑造、營運,當成是創作的一個形式。為一個兼具藝術展演/工作室/藝術家進駐三種功能的複合性藝術空間。

She had studied in France since 2001, and obtained a Master’s degree of Diplôme National Suprieurexpression Plastique from Ecole Nationale Supérieur d'Arts de Paris-Cergy and a Master’s degree of Art et Media Numérique from Paris1–Sorbonne. The forms of her works are mainly of performance arts, video installations, and sound performances, focusing on private and public spaces of bodies and public relations. During her time studying in France, she joined an international art group, Réseau Artskool, and learned dancing from Daniel Dobbels, a famous Franch choreographer. She has often been involved in cross-field cooperation with artists from other fields. Her works have been presented in Paris and Berlin several times. After returning to Taiwan in 2009, he has placed his focus on performance art in public spaces and the goal of “expanding the domain of art”, in hopes of bringing new possibilities to contemporary art through breaking the limitations on concepts and forms in the territory of art. His important works in the recent years include “City Action Series” (2009), “Treasure Palace Youth Hostel ” (2010), “Artistic Action & Record Exchange Movement” (2010, 2011), “Nippon International Performance Art Festival (NIPAF)” (2011), and “One Night Band” (2011-2012). He had joined the international art group Réseau Artskool, residing at Main d’oeuvre Art Center in France (2007) and resided at the Treasure Hill Artist Village (2010). Now she has a new art space called “instant 42” in Luzhou, New Taipei City, considering constructing and managing a space as a form in creation. This space is a complex art space with 3 major functions, art exhibition, studio, and artist-in--residence.


〖丁禹仲Ding Yu-Chung〗

丁禹仲  藝術家, 畢業於國立台南藝術大學造形所,現職美術老師,近期個展「船過水無痕」(國家藝術園區2013),「NOT YET !!(nospace Gallery 曼谷 泰國2011)
參與行為藝術交流「屹立於城 台北 - 香港行為藝術交流展 (寶藏巖藝術村/南海藝廊2013) ,「IN - 行為藝術節 #1( Instant 42 studio 2013),「Undisclosed territory #6 國際行為藝術事件」(梭羅市 印度尼西亞 2012),「KANDANG KEBO 國際行為藝術交流(馬朗市 印度尼西亞 2011),「DJAMOE#4 國際行為藝術節(萬龍市 印度尼西亞2011,) 「TUPADA 國際視覺行為藝術節(馬尼拉 菲律賓 2010),「在路上 阿川國際行為藝術交流(台東 高雄 台南2009)

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