Almost Birthday /performance with with Vasan Sitthiket,Sinead O'Donnell

A Birthday party or a performance event?



Vasan Sitthike 以及
愛爾蘭藝術家Sinéad O’Donnell

instant42 再次邀請大家!

生日主角:Alexis Milles

Vasan Sitthiket(泰國)

Vasan Sitthiket出生於1957年在泰國北攬坡府,畢業於曼谷藝術學院。他的繪畫作品多半與自然或色情的圖案有關但是探討關於當代泰國的問題以及國際社會的問題。如剝削窮人的富人,以及政治家和官僚之間的腐敗。並且運用油畫,素描,木刻版畫,裝置和表演等不同媒材來表達自己對這些議題的意見並且把自己的想法付諸實踐。除了多次發表於泰國,也擁有非常多的國際展演經驗,著名的包括威尼斯雙年展(2003年)。他還上演了三部戲,出了十幾本書,包括詩歌,兒童讀物和政治著作等,是國際非常活躍的藝術家。

Vasan Sitthiket Born (1957) in Nakhorn Sawan. Education Studied at the College of Fine Art in Bangkok. Work Some of his paintings are related to nature or to erotic motifs. However, most of his works address problems within contemporary Thai and international societies, such as the exploitation of the poor by the rich, as well as the corruption among politicians and bureaucrats. He uses several media to express his opinions on these subjects. Paintings, drawings, woodcut prints, installations and performances are some of the media used to put his ideas into practice. In addition to numerous shows in Thailand, Vasan has participated in many shows abroad, including the Venice Biennale (Italy, 2003). He has also staged three plays and is the author of more than ten books, including poetry, children’s books and political writings.


Sinéad O’Donnell has worked in performance, installation, site and time-based art for the past 15 years. Originally from Dublin and based in Belfast, Sinéad studied sculpture at the University of Ulster, textiles in Dublin and visual performance and time-based practices at Dartington College of Arts, graduating with distinction in 2003. Her work explores identity, borders and barriers through encounters with territory and the territorial. She sets up actions or situations that demonstrate complexities, contradictions or commonality between medium and discipline, timing and spontaneity, intuition and methodology, artist and audience. She uses photography, video, text and collage to record her performances which often reveals an ongoing interest in the co-existence of other women and systems of kinship and identity. Sinéad’s practice is nomadic and travel has broadened her cultural perceptions and influenced her artistic sensibilities regarding time and space. She is active on the Belfast performance art scene working with local organisations to foster performance art activity and supporting emerging artists in her community. Recent work has been presented at In Between Time, Bristol (2013), RITES, Singapore (2012), Mobius Performance Space, Boston, USA (2012), Southbank Centre, London (2012) Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast (2012), Contemporary Art Factory, Tokyo, Japan (2011), My Land festival, Croatia (2012), Black Market International, Belfast (2012), National Review of Live Art, Glasgow (2010).

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